Dental Implants
Dental Implants To Replace St. Louis, MO’s Lost Teeth
Dental implants provide a durable and permanent solution to decaying teeth by replacing weakened bone structure or missing teeth with metal fittings that support natural-looking tooth replacements that match your remaining teeth. Before dental implants were developed, dentures served as the sole replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants get rooted deep into the jawbone with no removable parts. They have no external cleaning or maintenance to worry about like with traditional dentures. Getting a permanent implant is like installing a new root to hold your tooth if your roots have been rendered too weak or unstable to support your natural teeth due to disease or injury. With a new and permanent metal root installed, St. Louis Hills Dental Group can attach a dental crown on top that’s the same shape and color as the surrounding teeth. You’ll be able to speak, chew, and smile for pictures with equal confidence.

The Dental Implant Process At St. Louis Hills Dental Group
Implants are composed of a biocompatible, synthetic material like ceramic or metal. We place these synthetic structures in the area that the natural root of the tooth normally occupied. The implants get anchored in the jawbone or on metal framework on the bone, and they act as a solid foundation for a permanent bridge or artificial tooth. There are instances where we can use implants to attach dentures. Preparing the area for an implant and placing the implant requires surgery. After the procedure, you’ll require a short healing time so the implant can take hold, and the bone tissue can build up to anchor the device. In some cases, we’ll insert metal posts into the implant during a follow-up procedure so we can connect the tooth. Because surgery is required for implants, we administer anesthesia to patients, and if necessary, we’ll also administer antibiotics to prevent post-surgery infection.
Implants With Outstanding Design
Not all people are candidates for dental implants. For an implant to take hold successfully, a patient must have a strong immune system and proper bone density. During an initial consultation visit at St. Louis Hills Dental Group, we’ll include time to evaluate whether your jaw and mouth can support dental implants. We’ll also consider if another treatment option would be in your best interest. If we proceed with an implant, it’s so well-designed that it will mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. You might even forget you have them.
Caring For Your Dental Implants
Like any other restoration, dental implants require proper care and diligent oral hygiene to ensure their long-term use. You can avoid decay in your remaining teeth and future infection by brushing two or three times every day and flossing once daily. In this sense, caring for your implants is the same process as caring for your natural teeth. Great oral hygiene will extend your smile throughout your life stages.
For expert dental care, give us a call and schedule an appointment. Reach out to our office by calling 314-644-0440 at your earliest convenience!